The Titanic achieved fame due to the tragic events that overtook her during her maiden voyage on 14th April 1912. The Queen of the Sea was to carry 1,316 passengers from Southampton to New York for the White Star Line. During the night at about 23.40 hours, in the Atlantic, the British luxury linerhit an iceberg that tore a 100 m gash in her starboard side. When the Titanic sank at about 0.20 hours on 15th April 1,503 of the 2,206 people on board lost their lives. The 46,329 BRT vessel had a length of 267 m and a displacement of 66,000 tons.
Model kit contain 40 pieces
Model kits are designed for children aged 10 years and upwards
After built it measures 22.3 cm in length
Model kit contain 40 pieces
Model kits are designed for children aged 10 years and upwards
After built it measures 22.3 cm in length
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